My Story.
I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology–Trauma emphasis from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. I specialize in PTSD and trauma, anxiety, and attachment/relationships. Clinical treatment experience includes the Veterans Health Trauma Clinic, Colorado Springs VA Medical Center, Iron Horse Family Medicine Clinic on Fort Carson, and AspenPointe/Diversus Health. In addition to this training, I am a combat veteran spouse, mother, stepmother, and disaster responder, allowing me to merge evidence-based practice with a “field-based” and realistic approach to mental health.
Resilience and recovery have fascinated me since adolescence, when I helped my mother rehabilitate and re-home abused dogs. At a young age, I learned that heartbreak and rage did not resolve injustice or serve the survivor; rather, recovery required consistency, patience, and tremendous effort. Later, I refined these skills and qualities by working with survivors of human trafficking and combat Veterans. Again, resilience and recovery thrived, and I was consistently in awe of the adversity that could be overcome. To serve as that person of trust, and to directly confront fear and traumatization with empathy and comfort, is my embodiment of the trauma clinician.