Reclaim Your Strength

Release what is burdening you, reframe what has protected you, and strengthen what is within you.

PTSD & Stress therapy for combat veterans, spouses, high stress careers, and transformational events.





Does This Sound Familiar?

You want to stay calm, but instead you feel:

Out of control and overwhelmed.

Cynical, irritable, moody. If you hear “Why are you so grumpy all the time?!” one more time you might make the evening news.

Like a burden, a failure. You think that something is wrong with you, and feel guilty that others are suffering because of it.

That hope only leads to disappointment. Relaxing means you’ve let your guard down. Both are dangerous, and you will be punished.

Your relationships are so conflicted.
You really are trying your hardest - why isn’t it good enough?

Noises, mess, bickering, silent treatment, nagging, rejection - they are hard to deal with. Sometimes you feel stuck because you don’t want to be home, but you also don’t want to be anywhere else.

You wish people knew how much you were holding back and appreciated your restraint instead of criticizing your reaction.

You can feel more in control.

Profile of a disaster responder covered in soot responding to a wildfire cleanup.

I provide specialized treatment for individuals with PTSD & stress symptoms. My clients leave therapy feeling lighter, calmer, clear-headed, and steady. Relationships are more fulfilling, and everything feels like less of a fight.

Using an assortment of traditional, skills-based, and exposure therapy modalities, we trace the roots of the modern-day issues, increase tolerance to uncomfortable sensations, and choose how your future will unfold. We practice regulating what we can and enduring what we can’t.


  • Exposure Therapy

    More intensive work exploring and healing the emotional, somatic, and logical elements of trauma. There are several types of exposure therapy, including EMDR.

    Exposure Therapy icon
  • High Stress Careers

    Working through the demands of an intense, confidential, and high-stakes profession while trying to tend to the emotions and needs of loved ones at home.

  • Combat Veterans

    You’ve seen and experienced things that most civilians can’t comprehend. This can lead to struggles with relationships, emotions, isolation, sleep, and work.

  • Spouses

    Spouses to partners with PTSD, combat veterans, or those in high stress careers can feel alone. Therapy may involve processing the past, learning communication and emotion regulation skills, and restoring trust.

  • Transforming Events

    Exploring major shifts in identity, time and resources, relationships, and loss that come with milestone events, even positive ones.


Schedule free consult

In this phone call, we briefly discuss what you are struggling with, how I may be able to help, and any logistics (e.g. scheduling). This conversation helps us both determine if we are a good fit.

What happens next?


Attend first appointment

Complete emailed paperwork prior to attending. This intake is a broad overview: we briefly discuss current issues but also focus on history-gathering and other “need to know” information.


Trust and commit to the process

You’ve already overcome big hurdles. Moving forward, I will help guide you through the rest to find your balance, restore your trust, and seek contentedness.

Stormy clouds over a mountain range along the John Muir Trail, depicting a moody yet expansive scene..

What is normal for stress and PTSD?

Good question!

The term PTSD is well known these days, but not necessarily well understood. It refers to a specific set of symptoms following a specific type of incident. Not all stressors are traumatic, and not all PTSD-like symptoms will meet criteria for a diagnosis.

Many people will develop some symptoms of PTSD (there are 20), and many symptoms can be in response to a stressor not classified as traumatic (per the DSM-5). There are other diagnoses that may better explain what is going on, and this can help determine the most effective treatment plan.

Whether you have a PTSD diagnosis or are struggling to make sense of what is “normal”, I can help you restore emotional and nervous system balance, regain trust in your intuition, and build more fulfilling relationships.